Simply write a check to Central PTO or donate online! 100% of your donation stays at Central!
PTO raises money to provide funds for Central students & staff:
*** Central Middle School PTO is a 501(c) organization and all donations are deductible as a charitable contribution for income tax purposes.
Your donation can be mailed to or dropped off at:
Central Middle School PTO
Attn: Check Writing Campaign
500 E 9th Street
Edmond, OK 73034
PTO raises money to provide funds for Central students & staff:
- $100 reimbursement to teachers for classroom supplies
- Fall & Spring teacher grant program for larger items
- Food Pantry funds
- Media Center funds for purchasing new books and materials
- School activity funds
- Teacher Training
- Teacher Appreciation events
*** Central Middle School PTO is a 501(c) organization and all donations are deductible as a charitable contribution for income tax purposes.
Your donation can be mailed to or dropped off at:
Central Middle School PTO
Attn: Check Writing Campaign
500 E 9th Street
Edmond, OK 73034